b2pf-config man page

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b2pf-config [--prefix] [--exec-prefix] [--version] [--libs] [--cflags]


b2pf-config returns the configuration of the installed B2PF library and the options required to compile a program to use it.


--prefix Writes the directory prefix used in the B2PF installation for architecture independent files (/usr on many systems, /usr/local on some systems) to the standard output.

--exec-prefix Writes the directory prefix used in the B2PF installation for architecture dependent files (normally the same as --prefix) to the standard output.

--version Writes the version number of the installed B2PF libraries to the standard output.

--libs Writes to the standard output the command line options required to link with B2PF library (-lb2pf on many systems).

--cflags Writes to the standard output the command line options required to compile files that use B2PF (this may include some -I options, but is blank on many systems).




Last updated: 26 July 2020

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